Bezpečnosť HireHop – Ako HireHop chráni vaše údaje

Secure rental softwareNa bezpečnosti nám záleží rovnako ako vám a robíme to dobre. HireHop používa automatizované nástroje na monitorovanie výkonu služby pre problémy 24 hodín denne, 7 dní v týždni, bez dní voľna. Naše servery majú kompletnú nepretržitú bezpečnosť a údržbu s pokročilým monitorovaním, aby sa predišlo narušeniam špičkových technológií.

HireHop je hosťovaný na Amazon Web Services (AWS), čo je svetový najväčšia globálna infraštruktúra pre dáta a servery v hodnote okolo 3 biliónov USD; infraštruktúru takej veľkosti si nemohla dovoliť ani najväčšia svetová požičovňa. AWS používa NASA, banky, veľké spoločnosti a vlády na celom svete vďaka špičkovej bezpečnosti a službám, ktoré poskytuje.

Vaše údaje sú chránené a súkromné

Využívame mnohé z pokročilých bezpečnostných opatrení AWS, aby sme zachovali súkromie a ochranu všetkých vašich údajov. HireHop tiež každý rok prechádza a prechádza penetračnými testami (perové testy), čo znamená etickými hackermi pokúste sa preniknúť do systému, aby ste našli zraniteľné miesta, a prejdite okolo nás, len keď budú mať pocit, že sme v bezpečí.

Ubezpečili sme sa, že naše databázové servery sú chránené za pokročilými bránami firewall, takže aj v mimoriadne nepravdepodobnom prípade, že sa hackerovi podarí získať prihlasovacie údaje pre naše servery, stále nebudú môcť získať prístup kvôli bránam firewall.

Pripojenia k službe HireHop sú zabezpečené

HireHop používa vrstvu zabezpečených soketov (SSL, tiež známu ako HTTPS) s technológiou 128-bitového šifrovania . SSL chráni používateľov pred útokmi typu man-in-the-middle, ktoré môžu byť spustené z kompromitovaných alebo nezabezpečených sietí, a overuje to pri prihlásení do HireHops, nie ste presmerovaní na falošnú stránku.

HireHop používa dvojstupňové prihlásenie chránené heslom s obmedzenými pokusmi, ktoré sú vynútené pomocou čas vypršal. To vás chráni pred útokmi hrubou silou, pri ktorých hacker zaplaví náš server požiadavkami na prihlásenie, aby sa pokúsil zistiť, aké je vaše heslo.

Nikdy nezabudnete na zálohovanie údajov

HireHop vykonáva automatické denné zálohy, ako aj živé zálohy na serveroch umiestnených po celom svete, takže ak dôjde ku katastrofe v jednej krajine, vaše aktuálne údaje sú v prípade potreby dostupné aj v inej krajine.

HireHop má aj lokálne živé zálohy, ako aj ochranu proti pádu s replikáciami v iných AWS zóny dostupnosti. To znamená, že získate pohodlie pri HireHop zálohovaní a údržbe údajov bez námahu a náklady na to, aby ste to zvládli sami. Ak niektorý server vypadne, automaticky sa spustí iný server a nahradí ho, čím získate maximálnu možnú dobu prevádzkyschopnosti.

Chránime vás pred robotmi

HireHop automaticky zamietne používateľovi prístup, ak má pocit, že robot odosiela alebo požaduje údaje v mene užívateľa. Táto dodatočná vrstva ochrany zabraňuje robotom poškodiť alebo extrahovať vaše údaje v prípade úniku prihlasovacích údajov jedného z vašich používateľov. Funkcia HireHop tiež odhlási používateľa, ak sa ten istý používateľský účet pokúsi prihlásiť do iného a uistite sa, že nenecháte otvorený prístup na inom počítači. Viacfaktorovú autorizáciu (MFA) môžete použiť aj v HireHop, a to tak, že ju využijete s prihlásením Google, Xero alebo Microsoft.

Ceníme si súkromie

HireHop zabudováva súkromie do všetkého, čo robíme, pretože takto sa rozhodujeme rešpektovať našich zákazníkov. Dodržiavame prísny súbor pokynov a postupov na ochranu všetkých vašich súkromných informácií a údajov a nebudeme predávať, prenajímať ani zdieľať vaše informácie s tretími stranami na ich propagačné účely. Pre úplné zverejnenie našich postupov ochrany osobných údajov si prečítajte náš Vyhlásenie o ochrane osobných údajov.

HireHop je k dispozícii 24 hodín denne, 7 dní v týždni

HireHop je za posledné tri roky k dispozícii vo viac ako 99,9 % prípadov. Je to preto, že sa spoliehame na redundantné servery a samoopravné systémy detekcie chýb. To znamená, že ak bude jeden server ovplyvnený alebo nedostupný, vaša služba to pravdepodobne neovplyvní, pretože sa automaticky spustí iný server, ktorý vám umožní pristupovať k vašim údajom online bez ohľadu na to, kde a kedy.

Vy určujete pravidlá

Môžete ovládať, ktorí používatelia môžu pristupovať k vašim údajom, čo môžu vidieť a čo môžu robiť. Každý používateľ v kategórii HireHop podlieha rôznym vami nastaveným povoleniam, ktoré vám umožňujú obmedziť práva každého užívateľa. Môžete dokonca obmedziť používateľa, aby sa mohol prihlásiť iba z určitej adresy IP, ako je adresa vo vašej kancelárii, čím sa zabráni prihláseniu mimo pracoviska.

Všetci sú braní na zodpovednosť

HireHop zaznamenáva prakticky každú transakciu vykonanú používateľom, ktorú nemožno vypnúť ani odstrániť . HireHop zaznamenáva každé prihlásenie používateľa a vždy, keď je to možné, zaznamenáva zmeny vykonané používateľa, ktorý vám poskytne podrobný audit trail.

POS For Equipment Rental Software – Electronic Point of Sale Cash Register For Rentals

Whether you run a tool rental business, a surf shop, tuxedo rental, or bike rental, as a rental business owner, you need a simple point of sale (cash register, POS or ePOS) system that processes rentals from your customer facing rental desk.

POS for rentalsEasy To Use ePOS For Rentals

HireHop gives you a system that even the part time staff can use with minimal training, handling not only rental sales, but also sales of parts and other products. It seamlessly integrates with the rest of HireHop equipment rental software, so that you can handle all aspects of rental inventory management.

HireHop gives you all of this at no extra cost, and being in the cloud means that it can run on practically any device or computer.

Cash Register for Rental Companies With Advanced Features

Rental company softwareSometimes a simple POS interface is just not enough and you need more advanced functionality for some rental contracts.  This is not a problem, as every rental job is available within the HireHop software, giving you the ability to utilise all the additional advanced features that HireHop has to offer.

With an easy to use interface giving you maximum functionality, HireHop allows rental companies with specific needs to reach their maximum potential without having to change their workflow.

The HireHop cash register system is designed with you in mind, allowing you to access all of your jobs within an easy-to-use interface. This simple-to-use interface lets you process jobs easily, quickly and efficiently.

Start using HireHop today for free or contact us for a free demonstration to see how much HireHop can benefit your rental company.

Sage Equipment Rental Software – Sage 50 Hire Company & Accounting Software

Sage 50 Equipment Rental Software
HireHop can synchronize your invoices, payments, purchase orders, credit notes and contacts with Sage 50 (or Sage 50 Cloud) instantly and automatically without the need for user intervention.
Utilise the power and extensive functionality of HireHop Equipment Rental Software and its seamless integration with Sage 50 Accounting, with simplicity and ease, from any device, such as a PC, Mac, tablet or phone, enabling you stay in control of your finances and hires from anywhere and at any time.

Sage 50 screenshot
Invoices accounting report

Sage+ HireHop App Together Syncplayer_video_id=“wOh81TQXWog“;

HireHop & Sage 50 Work Together For You

  • Invoices and purchase orders instantly & seamlessly synchronized
  • Multiple Sage 50 companies can be used within HireHop
  • Payments and credits created in HireHop sent instantly to Sage 50
  • Customers & suppliers in Sage 50 can be imported into HireHop
  • Let HireHop automatically update Sage50 or choose to review before a batch update
  • New customers & suppliers created in HireHop are automatically sent to Sage 50
  • Seamless automatic integration as Sage 50 & HireHop work as one.
  • Synchronization is live and instant.

Sage + hirehop

HireHop and Sage 50 Integration

Invoices created in HireHop are automatically & instantly sent to Sage 50 behind the scenes with no need for user intervention.
Payments & Credits
Payments and credit notes can be entered into HireHop which it then instantly sends to Sage, as they both automatically communicate with each other.
Purchase Orders
Purchase orders created in HireHop are effortlessly sent to Sage so that you can match purchase invoices to them to help prevent being overcharged.
Import only necessary customers and suppliers from Sage. HireHop will automatically send new ones used in invoices and purchase orders to Sage.

About Sage 50 and Sage 50 Cloud

Sage 50 screenshot x 2Sage 50 is world-leading accounting software, perfectly tailored for your business.

  • Manage cash flow and invoicing
    See how much you are owed, manage late payments and even schedule payments, all done with live feeds from your bank.
  • Reporting and insights
    Use the Sage 50’s simple in-depth reporting features with the ability to create custom reports to help you with analysis for smarter business decisions.
  • Get paid on time
    Get paid faster by utilising Direct Debit integration from GoCardless or allow customers to pay invoices by clicking „Pay now“ on invoices that enables instant PayPal, Stripe or Sage Pay payments.
  • Reconcile in seconds
    Sage imports your bank transactions via a live feed directly from your bank, keeping you up to date.

Easily Connect HireHop Rental Software and Sage 50

  1. Add a new accounts package in HireHop settings, selecting Sage 50 as the package type.
  2. Synchronize to import bank accounts, nominal codes, tax codes and contacts from Sage 50
  3. Assign the new Sage 50 connection to the appropriate depots and you are ready to go.

QuickBooks Equipment Rental Software – QuickBooks Online Rental Company & Accounting Software

QuickBooks Equipment Rental SoftwareHireHop effortlessly synchronizes your invoices, payments, purchase orders, credit notes and contacts with QuickBooks Online behind the scenes. Utilise the power and extensive functionality of HireHop Equipment Rental Software and QuickBooks Accounting with simplicity and ease, from any device, such as a PC, Mac, tablet or phone, enabling you stay in control of your finances and hires anywhere and at any time.

QuickBooks Online screenshot
Invoices accounting report

QuickBooks + HireHop App Together Syncplayer_video_id=“wOh81TQXWog“;

HireHop & QuickBooks Work Together For You

  • Invoices and purchase orders seamlessly synchronised
  • Multiple QuickBooks companies can be used in HireHop
  • Payments and credits created in HireHop sent to QuickBooks
  • Credit notes and payments created in QuickBooks for HireHop invoices sent to HireHop
  • Let HireHop automatically update QuickBooks or choose to batch update
  • New contacts created in HireHop automatically sent to QuickBooks
  • Seamless automatic integration as QuickBooks & HireHop work as one.
  • Synchronization is live and instant.

QuickBooks Online partnerAuthorised QuickBooks Solution Provider certificate

QuickBooks+ hirehop

HireHop and QuickBooks Integration

Invoices created in HireHop are automatically sent and updated in QuickBooks behind the scenes with no need for user intervention.
Payments & Credits
Payments and credit notes can be entered into QuickBooks or HireHop, and then each updates the other, as they both automatically communicate with each other.
Purchase Orders
Purchase orders created in HireHop are effortlessly sent to QuickBooks so that you can match purchase invoices to them to help prevent being overcharged.
Import only necessary contacts from QuickBooks. HireHop automatically sends new contacts used in invoices and purchase orders to QuickBooks.

QuickBooks featuresAbout QuickBooks

QuickBooks is world-leading online accounting software, perfectly built for your small business.

  • Get a real-time view of your cash-flow
    Real-time information anytime and anywhere on your Mac, PC, tablet or phone. It’s business accounting software that’s simple, smart and intuitive.
  • Run your business on the go
    Use the QuickBooks to reconcile, send invoices, or create expense claims from anywhere.
  • Get paid faster
    Faster payments with online invoicing. Send online invoices to your customers. You can even see if they’ve viewed them.
  • Reconcile in seconds
    QuickBooks imports and categorises your bank transactions.

Easily Connect HireHop Rental Software and QuickBooks

  1. Add a new accounts package in HireHop settings, selecting QuickBooks Online as the package type.
  2. Synchronise to import bank accounts, nominal codes, tax codes and contacts from QuickBooks
  3. Assign QuickBooks to the appropriate depots and you are ready to go.

Detailed help..

Equipment Rental Software for Xero – HireHop + Xero: Hire Company & Accounting Software

Xero equipment rental software partner integration
HireHop effortlessly synchronizes your invoices, payments, purchase orders, credit notes and contacts with Xero behind the scenes. Utilise the power and extensive functionality of HireHop Equipment Rental Software and Xero Accounting with simplicity and ease, from any device, such as a PC, Mac, tablet or phone, enabling you stay in control of your finances and hires anywhere and at any time.

Xero Accounting Screen shot
Invoices accounting report

Xero + HireHop App Together Syncplayer_video_id=“FPnTSZc-qVA“;

HireHop & Xero Work Together For You

  • Invoices and purchase orders seamlessly synchronised
  • Multiple Xero companies can be used in HireHop
  • Payments and credits created in HireHop sent to Xero
  • Credit notes and payments created in Xero for HireHop invoices sent to HireHop
  • Let HireHop automatically update Xero or choose to batch update
  • New contacts created in HireHop automatically sent to Xero
  • Seamless automatic integration as Xero & HireHop work as one.
  • Synchronization is live and instant.

Xero certified partner connected hire software


HireHop and Xero Integration

Invoices created in HireHop are automatically sent and updated in Xero behind the scenes with no need for user intervention.
Payments & Credits
Payments and credit notes can be entered into Xero or HireHop, and then each updates the other, as they both automatically communicate with each other.
Purchase Orders
Purchase orders created in HireHop are effortlessly sent to Xero so that you can match purchase invoices to them to help prevent being overcharged.
Import only necessary contacts from Xero. HireHop automatically sends new contacts used in invoices and purchase orders to Xero.

About Xero

Xero is world-leading online accounting software, perfectly built for your small business.

  • Get a real-time view of your cash-flow
    Real-time information anytime and anywhere on your Mac, PC, tablet or phone. It’s small business accounting software that’s simple, smart and occasionally magical.
  • Run your business on the go
    Use the Xero mobile app to reconcile, send invoices, or create expense claims from anywhere.
  • Get paid faster
    Faster payments with online invoicing. Send online invoices to your customers and get notified when they’re opened.
  • Reconcile in seconds
    Xero imports and categorises your bank transactions. Just click OK to reconcile.

Easily Connect HireHop Rental Software and Xero

  1. Add a new accounts package in HireHop settings, selecting Xero as the package type.
  2. Synchronise to import bank accounts, nominal codes, tax codes and contacts from Xero
  3. Assign the new Xero connection to the appropriate depots and you are ready to go.

Detailed help..

HireHop Rental Software Awarded „Hire Industry Trusted Supplier“ Accreditation

Hire Industry Trusted SupplierHireHop has been awarded the prestigious Hire Industry Trusted Supplier (HITS) accreditation from the Hire Association Europe (HAE), passing stringent tests on quality, longevity, safety and ethical business practices.

The Hire Industry Trusted Suppliers scheme has been established to promote the highest levels of quality, competence and safety within the hire industry, giving existing and potential customers reassurances that when choosing a HITS accredited supplier, that they are in safe hands as the supplier is fully committed to maintaining the highest level of standards and practices.

Designed to highlight the most trustworthy suppliers, the HITS scheme will help potential customers make an informed decision, as the HITS accreditation is an additional assurance that background due diligence checks have been undertaken, meaning that by choosing a Hire Industry Trusted Supplier, you are safe in knowledge that the supplier is a sound and solid choice.

Keith Jacobs, Director of HireHop says, „We are extremely proud to receive this important accreditation, and we believe that this is an endorsement of all the hard work and effort that we have put into HireHop for the benefit of our customers.“

At HireHop, being the best, most modern and future proof software in the world is not enough, as we want to go the extra mile to not only give our users the best, but also to reassure them that they are in extremely safe hands by using the HireHop.

Try HireHop today for free, and see why it is setting the standards for hire business software.

Rigging Weight Loading Calculations for Multipoint Suspension of a straight truss

HireHop is probably the best and most feature rich cloud rental Equipment software, however it also has a resource for users to market their products for free to potential customers on HireHop‚s equipment rental portal. As it has been a popular source for customers to source their hired rigging equipment, we decided to give some advice for when hiring motors and truss, as you need to know the rigging weight loading calculations involved.

Lets take an imaginary scenario that a rigger has suspended a truss on it’s two end points, each motor is rated at 500kg, however the evenly distributed load on the truss is 1,300kg, so the rigger attaches a third 500kg rated motor to pickup the centre of the truss. Thinking with 3 motors rated at 500kg each there would be no problem, to his dismay, the truss comes crashing down, centre point first.

The reason this didn’t work in our imaginary scenario is due to multi-point beam load calculations that he failed to account for.  The rigger in this case incorrectly assumed that the three motors would share the load between them equally and didn’t take into account the Three Moment Theorem.  This is a very complex formula, however to simplify matters, we have illustrated simplified various rigs below and shown the various loads as percentages of the entire load at each point.

As you can see from the top image with two points, each point carries 50% of the load.  If you look at the one below with 3 points you will see that the centre point supports 62% of load and outer points only support 19% of the load.  Applying that to what happened to our rigger:

Load = 1,300Kg
Each Outer Point = 0.19 x 1300 = 247Kg per point (19% of the load)
Centre Point = 0.62 x 1300 = 806Kg on centre point (62% of the load)

As you can see, the 500Kg centre point was overloaded at 806Kg and thus collapsed.  What the rigger should have done is put up 2 extra motors:

Load = 1,300Kg
Each Outer Point = 0.13 x 1300 = 169Kg per point
Centre Points = 0.37 x 1300 = 481Kg per point

For our scenario, ideally the rigger should use 5 points to give himself a larger margin of error, as with 4 points there is only a 19Kg margin on the centre points.


  • It is very important to note that the above is for an evenly distributed load and that the motors are all moving at the same speed.  If for example on a three point pickup the centre motor moved faster than the outer two motors, the entire weight would be taken up on the centre motor with the outer two going slack.
  • It is not advised to rely on the above when using manual chain blocks as these never climb at the same speed. For a manual chain block, each block should be able to support the entire load.
  • Please remember to include the weight of the truss and all fixtures when calculating the load.
  • If you are calculating the load on the points above the motor, remember to add the weight of the motor to each point.
  • The mathematics is theoretical in an ideal world and factors can be different in the real world, so always include an error margin and never get too close to the maximum loading.

For more in depth rigging calculations, see the Prolyte Black Book

Rental Business Software – Cloud Based Equipment Rental Software

Rental business software in the cloud

We built HireHop Rental Business Software from the ground up for rental and hire businesses like yours, to give you an affordable, modern, easy to use and powerful software solution.

The HireHop team consists of people with years of experience in the hire and rental industry, and with the additional feedback from our users, people like you, this vast pool of knowlesge and experince has helped us build the most intuitive, powerful, versatile and feature rich cloud based software in the world, taylored for rental businesses like yours.

HireHop is constantly evolving, with more features and functionality being added every month, fetures requested by our users, as its our users who we constantly strive to improve the software for.


Rental business software


HireHop, is trusted by many large and well known companies and institutions, as well as small and medium sized businesses, most of whom abandoned their existing software to migrate to HireHop.

Companies have been flocking to HireHop as there is no other rental business software available today that offers the features, ease of use, power and modern cloud functionality. We are so confident with our product, that you can sign up and try it for free, enabling you to see and try it first hand.  Alternatively, you can contact us to arrange a free demonstration, allowing you to see the power of HireHop and how it can benefit your company as well as increase business and productivity.

Don’t be left behind your competitors by using old PC based software, or other limited functionality cloud software, let HireHop help you drive your business forward and improve your business‘ productivity, so signup for free today or contact us for a free demo.

Free Rental Business Software – Top Cloud Based Rental Software for Free

We built HireHop from the ground up for rental businesses like yours, built and designed by people from the rental industry, to give you a feature rich, affordable, modern and powerful software solution.

Our team consists of people with vast experience in the hire and rental industry, and with the additional feedback from our users, people like you, this vast pool of knowlesge and experince has helped us build the most intuitive, powerful, versatile and feature rich cloud based software in the world, taylored for rental businesses like yours.

Free Rental Business SoftwareAs our ethos is to deliver rental business software that helps hire and rental companies, there is now a free version of the HireHop rental equipment software, tailored for small, single user companies. This free version does not have all the features of the full version, but we have made sure that it is powerful enough to give your small rental business the power it needs to help it succeed. We will also give you free support for the first week after signup, as we feel it is all about working and helping each other as a team.

Not only do we offer the free version of HireHop, you can also use HireHop to help drive business your way as it allows you to list your products on our high ranking directory as well as refering you to other users in your area looking for the stock you have available for hire.

HireHop, is trusted by many large and well known companies and institutions, as well as small and medium sized businesses, most of whom abandoned their existing software to migrate to HireHop.

There is no credit card or payment needed, just simply create your account and start using HireHop free Rental Business Software today.

Software for Hire Companies – How it can help your Business

It is fair to say that all businesses are now digital in some form and increasingly rely on IT to drive business, sell or hire products, analyse data and manage hire or rental inventory, along with many other business operations.

Rental Management Software such as HireHop provide an efficient and comprehensive solution to the management of Hire Stock for corporations of all sizes:

Productivity and Efficiency

Still working off Excel spreadsheets? For many people, the familiarity of the current way of doing things and reluctance to change has resulted in a loss of time and profits. Embracing a software solution like HireHop may seem like a big step; however, once implemented will free up your team to get on with their real work, boosting productivity through instant real-time visibility of jobs and stock levels. Efficiently tracking your stock can also save valuable time in the warehouse and money through a reduction in losses.


Using rental management software makes it easy for employees to work together and keep track of each others progress or status on particular tasks. It enables teams to work together on jobs from any location, share information, documents and updates, as well as integrate with your email accounts and calendars – increasing communication and user responsibility.

Easy to use

Importantly, software for hire companies should be easy to use for all employees, from project managers to warehouse staff, allowing the focus to be on the important tasks at hand in an often time-pressured environment.

Benefits of being in the Cloud

“In March 2017 the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) revealed that the overall cloud adoption rate in the UK now stands at 88%, with 67% of users expecting to increase their adoption of cloud services over the coming year”, UK Cloud Snapshot Survey 2017.

The cloud has become an increasingly important part of business efficiency and extremely important for the operation of rental management companies in the following ways:

  • Flexibility and Scalability – Grows with your Company
  • Cost Savings – Low up-front costs, with no complex installations or maintenance charges associated with traditional software
  • Any Device, Anywhere – Cloud software such as HireHop is accessible on any device such as a PC, Mac, phone, smart TV or tablet, as long as it has a web browser
  • Eliminate Data Loss – Your data is securely stored and sandboxed
  • Live Automatic Updates – Eliminates downtime and reduces IT costs
  • Quick Implementation – Get started in minutes!

Try HireHop for free today!