All of the new features, updates, and functionality that HireHop has added over the years are listed here for you to easily look up. Alternatively, follow us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn to receive notifications about the updates.
Reserve assets, multiple email accounts + more…
27 augusta 2019

Reserving Assets By popular demand – you can now pre-book specific assets onto jobs! To reserve an asset onto a future Job, within the Supplying List, simply select the Stock item in question, click on Menu and Reserve Assets. You will then be greeted with a pop-up screen similar to…
Read moreLabor items features and detailed logging
28 septembra 2019

To be fully compliant with data regulations and to understand what is happening within your company, HireHop Equipment Rental Software have added detailed logging so you know what a user did and what they changed something from and to. We have also added other features such as decimal quantities for…
Read moreLots of new features with various updates
5 mája 2020

At HireHop Equipment Rental Software, we have been hard at work in our mission to constantly improve the software by consistently adding features you have asked for. We have just added a plethora of new and important features that all help make running business far easier. Supplying items can…
Read moreAccounting updates, sync with multiple accounting software packages
5 augusta 2020

Link each depot or company within your organisation to different accounting software using just one equipment rental software. Some rental businesses have different companies in one depot, others have a different company in each depot, and each company uses different accounting software or different installations of the same software, being…
Read moreDocuments updated in multiple languages
5 augusta 2020

HireHop have revamped all the template documents, giving a more uniform look and feel, as well as making all documents available to all users in Afrikaans, German, English, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak and Swedish, regardless what language you have set HireHop to be in. …
Read moreePOS Cash Register for Rental Software
1 septembra 2020

It’s good to have software for your rental business that is really powerful and packed full of features, however some users, like those working at the front desk, need a simple and easy interface to process rentals and sales. HireHop Equipment Rental Software have now released a cash register /…
Read moreNew languages available
7 decembra 2020

HireHop Equipment Rental Software is now available in even more languages and even allows you to customise each language to your own needs or even add your own. We have even made all of the documents available in every language as well. HireHop is the most powerful rental software…
Read moreExtra supplying list features
22 decembra 2020

The supplying lists within jobs now have additional features to improve workflow, speed and efficiency. You can even easily print off hire documents or partial quotes using only selected items or sections within the list with ease. For larger quotes that contain thousands of items or for larger companies with…
Read moreDifferent dates for items in jobs
24 decembra 2020

HireHop now allows you to have items that are being supplied in a job to be dispatched and returned on different dates to the job dates. You can also make items chargeable for different periods to those setup in the job. This allows you to add additional rentals to the…
Read moreMore modern themes
1 januára 2021

HireHop Equipment Rental Software has improved the look and feel of the software by modernising all of the themes, giving the user a fresh new feel. So now when you fancy a new theme, they all look a bit more modern. Looking at the same software every day can…
Read moreATA Carnet Feature
19 januára 2021

Due to Brexit, and lots of customers having to ship goods in and out of their country, we have added a Job Carnet document that lists and numbers all the items in a job correctly. Numbering is correctly calculated according to sequence and quantity. HireHop can now produce a…
Read moreNew accounting reports
22 januára 2021

More essential accounting reports are now available in HireHop Equipment Rental Software to not only give you more analysis, but to also give you more control over your finances. We have now added an unapproved transactions report that lets you see all invoices, credit notes and purchase orders that…
Read moreAccept online payments for rentals & sales
25 januára 2021

HireHop Equipment Rental Software now gives you the ability to to take payments from your customers online, or even in-person and over the phone, making it easier for your customers to pay and for you to stay ahead of your finances. When sending clients an invoice document, you can…
Read moreCalculated supplying list items – Percentage based line items of various sub totals
10 februára 2021

HireHop Equipment Rental Software now gives you the ability to add line items into a job rental supplying list. These items are automatically calculated at a required percentage, based on the prices certain types of other items in the list. In a job supplying list, you can add chargeable…
Read moreCustomer specific pricing and other features
27 februára 2021

HireHop equipment rental software enables you to have different prices or different price durations for specific customers. We have also passed a security penetration test to give you peace of mind how secure your data on HireHop is. For some clients pricing may be different for certain items, as…
Read moreWarehouse screen, faster servers and more…
31 mája 2021

HireHop equipment rental software now has a dedicated warehouse screen and we have also moved to faster servers. Furthermore, we have released other features, such as webhooks, to allow external software to respond to changes done within HireHop. Other features added include more languages, decimal values for sales items, sharing…
Read morePowerful new rental calendar features
10 augusta 2021

HireHop now has complete and powerful calendar functionality, extending its internal and external features, with the ability to synchronize with multiple external calendar apps. HireHop now gives each user their own personal calendar that can also be synchronized with other apps. Other features added include more languages, navigation menu, and…
Read moreCustom fields, Deposits and more
1 decembra 2021

HireHop always had custom fields that were available for use by plugins, but now you can add your own custom fields without any programming knowledge. We have also added deposit functionality so you can take holding deposits as well as other new features. Custom Fields Maybe you want to store…
Read moreRoute Planner, integrated barcode scanner and more
27 apríla 2022

HireHop now enables you to easily plan your deliveries, collections and other transport requirements with the new integrated route planner. Add deliveries, collections or other transport requests in jobs, assign them to owned vehicles or rented ones within the route planner, plot routes, even supply the drivers with Google Maps…
Read moreDriver App, New Reports & Documents, Themes, Extensions and Much More!
14 júla 2022

We have been working really hard over the last few months to develop lots of new and exciting features and functionality, which we’re excited to share with you. Check out the latest updates below! Driver App Drivers can now see the routes planned for them using the route planner in…
Read moreAktualizácie softvéru na prenájom zariadení – Zoznam dodávok a ďalšie…
16 septembra 2022

Pridajte položky do svojich zoznamov dodávok novými spôsobmi Nový z čiarového kódu – Táto možnosť vám umožňuje napísať alebo naskenovať čiarový kód/číslo majetku a pridať položku priamo do zoznamu a zároveň označiť aktívum ako rezervované, vyradené alebo žiadne. Nové z čísla dielu – otvorí výber čísla dielu, kde môžete zadať…
Read moreDruhá úroveň predprípravy, odhadované náklady, uzamknutie nabíjacieho obdobia a oveľa viac!
8 decembra 2022

Posledných pár mesiacov sme naozaj tvrdo pracovali na vývoji množstva nových a zaujímavých funkcií a funkcií, o ktoré sa s vami radi podelíme. Pozrite si najnovšie aktualizácie nižšie! Druhá úroveň predprípravy Na základe populárnej požiadavky sme pridali ďalšiu úroveň predprípravy, aby sme vám ušetrili ešte viac času pri vytváraní úlohy!…
Read moreModul údržby, stránky vhodné pre mobilné zariadenia a oveľa viac!
6 apríla 2023

Posledných pár mesiacov sme naozaj tvrdo pracovali na vývoji množstva nových a zaujímavých funkcií a funkcií, o ktoré sa s vami radi podelíme. Pozrite si najnovšie aktualizácie nižšie! Modul údržby Modul údržby HireHop je nová obrazovka vhodná pre mobilné zariadenia, ktorá dielni umožní vidieť všetky svoje aktívne dielenské úlohy, poškodené…
Read morePozastavenie platieb, analýza príjmov z aktív, žiadny nedostatok na položkách a ďalšie!
22 júna 2023

Pozrite si najnovšie funkcie a aktualizácie HireHop! Pozastavenie platieb S novou funkciou pozastavenia platieb teraz môžete pozastaviť prijímanie zamestnancov na určitý čas, ako sú štátne sviatky alebo neočakávané zmeny počasia. Dá sa to urobiť pre každú položku na zákazke, pre vybrané položky a/alebo pre typy položiek – prenájom, práca alebo…
Read moreĎalšie adresy, ďalšie dátumy a ďalšie!
21 júla 2023

Najnovšie funkcie a aktualizácie HireHop! Adresy navyše Teraz sú k dispozícii dve nové možnosti adresy pre pracovné ponuky – adresa na vyzdvihnutie a adresa na použitie. Tieto polia je možné premenovať v nastaveniach jazyka a používať ich tak, ako chcete. Tieto polia môžete pridať aj do akéhokoľvek dokumentu. Kliknutím sem…
Read moreAutomatické pridávanie balíkov a klonovanie úloh a projektov
21 septembra 2023

Najnovšie funkcie a aktualizácie HireHop! Klonovanie úloh & Projekty Pri klonovaní úlohy alebo projektu máte teraz ďalšie možnosti, čo zahrnúť do klonovanej úlohy – poznámky, úlohy, objednávky, prepravu a dokonca aj rezervované aktíva. Stačí kliknúť na tlačidlo ponuky na príslušnej úlohe alebo projekte a nájsť možnosť klonovania. Automatické pridávanie balíkov…
Read morePředstavujeme novou skenovací aplikaci HireHop
8 novembra 2023

Představujeme novou skenovací aplikaci HireHop Výkonné skenování majetku z jakéhokoli zařízení Rychlým tempem jsme přidávali nové funkce a právě jsme vydali přeplňovaný modul skenování, který lze také spustit jako progresivní webovou aplikaci na jakémkoli zařízení. Tento nový doplněk je zdarma pro všechny uživatele. Nová aplikace pro skenování je plně adaptivní…
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